import os
import numpy as np
from astropy.cosmology import FlatLambdaCDM
from astropy.table import Table, vstack
from . import get_data_home
# We store the data in two parts to comply with GitHub 100Mb file size limit
DATA_URL1 = (""
DATA_URL2 = (""
[docs]def fetch_sdss_specgals(data_home=None, download_if_missing=True):
"""Loader for SDSS Galaxies with spectral information
data_home : optional, default=None
Specify another download and cache folder for the datasets. By default
all astroML data is stored in '~/astroML_data'.
download_if_missing : optional, default=True
If False, raise a IOError if the data is not locally available
instead of trying to download the data from the source site.
data : recarray, shape = (661598,)
record array containing pipeline parameters
These were compiled from the SDSS database using the following SQL query::
G.ra, G.dec, S.mjd, S.plate, S.fiberID, --- basic identifiers
--- basic spectral data
S.z, S.zErr, S.rChi2, S.velDisp, S.velDispErr,
--- some useful imaging parameters
G.extinction_r, G.petroMag_r, G.psfMag_r, G.psfMagErr_r,
G.modelMag_u, modelMagErr_u, G.modelMag_g, modelMagErr_g,
G.modelMag_r, modelMagErr_r, G.modelMag_i, modelMagErr_i,
G.modelMag_z, modelMagErr_z, G.petroR50_r, G.petroR90_r,
--- line fluxes for BPT diagram and other derived spec. parameters
GSL.nii_6584_flux, GSL.nii_6584_flux_err, GSL.h_alpha_flux,
GSL.h_alpha_flux_err, GSL.oiii_5007_flux, GSL.oiii_5007_flux_err,
GSL.h_beta_flux, GSL.h_beta_flux_err, GSL.h_delta_flux,
GSL.h_delta_flux_err, GSX.d4000, GSX.d4000_err, GSE.bptclass,
GSE.lgm_tot_p50, GSE.sfr_tot_p50, G.objID, GSI.specObjID
dbo.fGetNearestObjEQ(S.ra, S.dec, 0.06) N, Galaxy G,
GalSpecInfo GSI, GalSpecLine GSL, GalSpecIndx GSX, GalSpecExtra GSE
WHERE N.objID = G.objID
AND GSI.specObjID = S.specObjID
AND GSL.specObjID = S.specObjID
AND GSX.specObjID = S.specObjID
AND GSE.specObjID = S.specObjID
--- add some quality cuts to get rid of obviously bad measurements
AND (G.petroMag_r > 10 AND G.petroMag_r < 18)
AND (G.modelMag_u-G.modelMag_r) > 0
AND (G.modelMag_u-G.modelMag_r) < 6
AND (modelMag_u > 10 AND modelMag_u < 25)
AND (modelMag_g > 10 AND modelMag_g < 25)
AND (modelMag_r > 10 AND modelMag_r < 25)
AND (modelMag_i > 10 AND modelMag_i < 25)
AND (modelMag_z > 10 AND modelMag_z < 25)
AND S.rChi2 < 2
AND (S.zErr > 0 AND S.zErr < 0.01)
AND S.z > 0.02
--- end of query ---
>>> from astroML.datasets import fetch_sdss_specgals
>>> data = fetch_sdss_specgals() # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT +REMOTE_DATA
>>> # number of objects in dataset
>>> data.shape # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
>>> # first five column names
>>> data.dtype.names[:5] # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
('ra', 'dec', 'mjd', 'plate', 'fiberID')
>>> # first three RA values
>>> print(data['ra'][:3]) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
[ 146.71419105 146.74414186 146.62857334]
>>> # first three declination values
>>> print(data['dec'][:3]) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA
[-1.04127639 -0.6522198 -0.7651468 ]
data_home = get_data_home(data_home)
archive_file1 = os.path.join(data_home, os.path.basename(DATA_URL1))
archive_file2 = os.path.join(data_home, os.path.basename(DATA_URL2))
if not (os.path.exists(archive_file1) and os.path.exists(archive_file2)):
if not download_if_missing:
raise IOError('data not present on disk. '
'set download_if_missing=True to download')
for url, name in zip([DATA_URL1, DATA_URL2],
[archive_file1, archive_file2]):
data =
data1 =
data2 =
data = vstack([data1, data2])
return np.asarray(data)
[docs]def fetch_great_wall(data_home=None, download_if_missing=True,
xlim=(-375, -175), ylim=(-300, 200), cosmo=None):
"""Get the 2D SDSS "Great Wall" distribution, following Cowan et al 2008
data_home : optional, default=None
Specify another download and cache folder for the datasets. By default
all astroML data is stored in '~/astroML_data'.
download_if_missing : optional, default=True
If False, raise a IOError if the data is not locally available
instead of trying to download the data from the source site.
xlim, ylim : tuples or None
the limits in Mpc of the data: default values are the same as that
used for the plots in Cowan 2008. If set to None, no cuts will
be performed.
cosmo : `astropy.cosmology` instance specifying cosmology
to use when generating the sample. If not provided,
a Flat Lambda CDM model with H0=73.2, Om0=0.27, Tcmb0=0 is used.
data : ndarray, shape = (Ngals, 2)
grid of projected (x, y) locations of galaxies in Mpc
# local imports so we don't need dependencies for loading module
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
# We need some cosmological information to compute the r-band
# absolute magnitudes.
if cosmo is None:
cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=73.2, Om0=0.27, Tcmb0=0)
data = fetch_sdss_specgals(data_home, download_if_missing)
# cut to the part of the sky with the "great wall"
data = data[(data['dec'] > -7) & (data['dec'] < 7)]
data = data[(data['ra'] > 80) & (data['ra'] < 280)]
# do a redshift cut, following Cowan et al 2008
z = data['z']
data = data[(z > 0.01) & (z < 0.12)]
# first sample the distance modulus on a grid
zgrid = np.linspace(min(data['z']), max(data['z']), 100)
mugrid = cosmo.distmod(zgrid).value
f = interp1d(zgrid, mugrid)
mu = f(data['z'])
# do an absolute magnitude cut at -20
Mr = data['petroMag_r'] + data['extinction_r'] - mu
data = data[Mr < -21]
# compute distances in the equatorial plane
# first sample comoving distance
Dcgrid = cosmo.comoving_distance(zgrid).value
f = interp1d(zgrid, Dcgrid)
dist = f(data['z'])
locs = np.vstack([dist * np.cos(data['ra'] * np.pi / 180.),
dist * np.sin(data['ra'] * np.pi / 180.)]).T
# cut on x and y limits if specified
if xlim is not None:
locs = locs[(locs[:, 0] > xlim[0]) & (locs[:, 0] < xlim[1])]
if ylim is not None:
locs = locs[(locs[:, 1] > ylim[0]) & (locs[:, 1] < ylim[1])]
return locs