import sys
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import solve
[docs]def iterative_pca(X, M, n_ev=5, n_iter=15, norm=None, full_output=False):
X: ndarray, shape = (n_samples, n_features)
input data
M: ndarray, bool, shape = (n_samples, n_features)
mask for input data. where mask == True, the spectrum is unconstrained
n_ev: int
number of eigenvectors to use in reconstructing masked regions
n_iter: int
number of iterations to find eigenvectors
norm: string
what type of normalization to use on the data. Options are
- None : no normalization
- 'L1' : L1-norm
- 'L2' : L2-norm
full_output: boolean (optional)
if False (default) return only the reconstructed data X_recons
if True, return the full information (see below)
X_recons: ndarray, shape = (n_samples, n_features)
data with masked regions reconstructed
mu: ndarray, shape = (n_features,)
mean of data
evecs: ndarray, shape = (min(n_samples, n_features), n_features)
eigenvectors of the reconstructed data
evals: ndarray, size = min(n_samples, n_features)
eigenvalues of the reconstructed data
norms: ndarray, size = n_samples
normalization of each input
coeffs: ndarray, size = (n_samples, n_ev)
coefficients used to reconstruct X
X = np.asarray(X, dtype=float)
M = np.asarray(M, dtype=bool)
if X.shape != M.shape:
raise ValueError('X and M must have the same shape')
n_samples, n_features = X.shape
if np.any(M.sum(0) == n_samples):
raise ValueError('Some features are masked in all samples')
if type(norm) == str:
norm = norm.upper()
if norm not in (None, 'none', 'L1', 'L2'):
raise ValueError('unrecognized norm: %s' % norm)
notM = (~M)
X_recons = X.copy()
X_recons[M] = 0
# as an initial guess, we'll fill-in masked regions with the mean
# of the rest of the sample
if norm is None:
mu = (X_recons * notM).sum(0) / notM.sum(0)
mu = mu * np.ones([n_samples, 1])
X_recons[M] = mu[M]
# since we're normalizing each spectrum, and the norm depends on
# the filled-in values, we need to iterate a few times to make
# sure things are consistent.
for i in range(n_iter):
# normalize
if norm == 'L1':
X_recons /= np.sum(X_recons, 1)[:, None]
X_recons /= np.sqrt(np.sum(X_recons ** 2, 1))[:, None]
# find the mean
mu = (X_recons * notM).sum(0) / notM.sum(0)
mu = mu * np.ones([n_samples, 1])
X_recons[M] = mu[M]
# Matrix of coefficients
coeffs = np.zeros((n_samples, n_ev))
# Now we iterate through, using the principal components to reconstruct
# these regions.
for i in range(n_iter):
sys.stdout.write(' PCA iteration %i / %i\r' % (i + 1, n_iter))
# normalize the data
if norm == 'L1':
X_recons /= np.sum(X_recons, 1)[:, None]
X_recons /= np.sqrt(np.sum(X_recons ** 2, 1))[:, None]
# now compute the principal components
mu = X_recons.mean(0)
X_centered = X_recons - mu
U, S, VT = np.linalg.svd(X_centered, full_matrices=False)
# perform a least-squares fit to estimate the coefficients of the
# first n_ev eigenvectors for each data point.
# The eigenvectors are in the rows of the matrix VT.
# The coefficients are given by
# a_n = [V_n^T W V_n]^(-1) V_n W x
# Such that x can be reconstructed via
# x_n = V_n a_n
# Variables here are:
# x : vector length n_features. This is a data point to be
# reconstructed
# a_n : vector of length n. These are the reconstruction weights
# V_n : eigenvector matrix of size (n_features, n).
# W : diagonal weight matrix of size (n_features, n_features)
# such that W[i,i] = M[i]
# x_n : vector of length n_features which approximates x
VWx =[:n_ev], (notM * X_centered).T)
for i in range(n_samples):
VWV =[:n_ev], (notM[i] * VT[:n_ev]).T)
coeffs[i] = solve(VWV, VWx[:, i], sym_pos=True, overwrite_a=True)
X_fill = mu +, VT[:n_ev])
X_recons[M] = X_fill[M]
# un-normalize X_recons
norms = np.zeros(n_samples)
for i in range(n_samples):
ratio_i = X[i][notM[i]] / X_recons[i][notM[i]]
norms[i] = ratio_i[~np.isnan(ratio_i)][0]
X_recons[i] *= norms[i]
if full_output:
return X_recons, mu, VT, S, norms, coeffs
return X_recons